Welcome to my home on the net. I am a traditionally published children's author with books avaibale in some twenty five countries. Originally from the small island of Malta near Italy, I moved to the UK in my early twenties with the big dream of becoming a professional writer.
My first book, a playscript called The Idiot King, was published by Samuel French in 1985 and since then I have written nearly one hundred titles, ranging from non-fiction about pirates to short novels, as well as stories for Barbie magazine and Disney and educational material for the Teletubbies franchise.
In the late 1980s I also worked as a storyteller for the Commonwealth Institute in London. Today I am mostly known for my retellings of myths and legends. My bestselling book to date is The Orchard Book of First Greek Myths which spawned a spin off series and has been published successfully in the UK, Italy, Greece, Brazil and Korea. In the UK it has been reprinted ten times while the Italian version is in its fourth edition.
I still enjoy visiting schools and libraries when time and writing schedules permit and perform at literary festivals when I am invited. Follow my blog if you want to keep in touch, and have fun visiting this site.
All the best